January 01, 2008

Happy new Year!

What can I say about 2007? I am not really sure where to start and how to end this piece. As I have mentioned in some of my previous posts, this year was by far the most eventful professionally, though there is nothing much from the personal life. It proves my point that there is not much personal life when you are on-site. This one year taught me a lot more than all the other years put together at work. It was frustrating lot of times, exciting some times, relieving fewer times and hectic through the year. Considering the circumstances and constraints, I think I did a fairly good job in my new role but I did fail in some parts.

It was in December the previous year that I took over and it has never been easy. After working in this setup for one whole year with little rest, I can now leave this behind and move on. It is almost official that I will be returning to India in February and I am delighted to be going back. One month vacation was definitely a break that I wanted/deserved earlier than October but had no options.

I almost killed 3 other people in the car when driving from San Diego. I closed (slept) my eyes and I was alerted by Akhilesh at about right time. If he was sleeping as well, all of us would have been buried. I cannot forget this forever.

I will have to talk about the new year party that I had been to this new year night. This was the biggest party that I have ever been to. It was in Sports Arena - Los Angeles Downtown and 18+ are invited (got to know that some parties had 21+). It was huge gathering by any means and I had good fun up there. I am pasting a photo that I have taken in the party with my new iPhone.

Year, 2008 will have to be more eventful from the personal front. As you can guess, there is clearly marriage standing top in the list and there can be nothing more eventful than marriage. Let us see what happens!

I wish everybody a great 2008. May 2008 bring happy and prosperity in your lives! Be good at all times!

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