At last, India managed to open the CWG games as per the schedule after all the corruption charges, delayed projects, lack of cleanliness and many other issues. BBC reported that there were lot of boos when Kalmadi took stage, which seems to be the only bad press so far of the opening ceremony. I liked the only video posted on youtube of the opening ceremony but wasn't as impressive as what everyone else is. Hindustan Times reported that it is time to put all the negativity behind and get behind games. Really?
I am surprised as hell to see the change of tone on the CWG Games in just couple of days. The whole media is appreciative of the opening ceremony, athletes are only praising the facilities, nation is positive and social networking sites are filled with positive comments. I haven't seen one bad comment in facebook or youube on the games after the opening ceremony. Games got such a bad press in last 2 months that I thought games would get delayed or canceled. What caused this sudden change in the attitude of nation, media and athletes themselves? I couldn't find a single reason for this change. Lalit Bhunod, Secretary General Organizing Committee, always maintained that games would be great and remembered for years to come. Was he right on that? Did a good ceremony erase all the charges that media brought up in last 2 months?
Ketan posted in his blog that UPA left CWG corruption controversy to be in news only to avoid/minimize the media coverage on the nuclear liability bill and other issues like inflation, Kashmir etc. I am not a conspiracy theorist and I will not go that far as ketan did but I do see a point in his blog. It is fair to wait and see what Govt does with the corruption allegations after the games. I am very very surprised at the way this games is covered by both national and regional media and the way educated youth reacted to games.
The second to headline of glittering ceremony was a survey that concluded that Rahul is the face of CWG 2010. Almost all news papers carried it.
"The latest survey conducted by the philanthropic arm of the industry lobby founded that the Congress General Secretary, Rahul Gandhi is the most favourite face for CWG 2010. The survey was conducted among 10,000 students, ahead of the Oct 03-14 Commonwealth Games. 72 percent of the respondents said Rahul Gandhi is the most honest, straightforward and trustworthy leader."
Rahul had nothing to say about the games and nothing whatsover to get nation to support the games, at a time when games was getting all the bad press but he now can represent the games better than anyone in India, as per the 7,200 students. Only retards can vote for the dimple star. Media, both regional and national, reported this news item as first/second in their web version. Is it anyway related to the larger plan of projecting him as the next Prime Ministrial candidate? Manmohanji wants to handover any day the yuvaraja is ready. May be, yuvaraja is ready.
We need shows like "The Daily Show with John Stewart" or "The Real Time with Bill Maher" or a comedian like George Carlin to tell it like it is. Hope, someone does something soon. Until then, cynicism will only grow excepting those 7,200 retards!!
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