September 08, 2004

My first GMAT sample test

I have given my first sample GMAT test from Barrons, which is supposed to be the most primitive compared to other publications on GMAT. I ranked as instructed at the end of the test. I cannot say I am too happy with the performance but more imporatantly it facilitated me to assess myself. I scored an average of 13 out of 21 in two sections (PS), 13 out of 25 in two sections (RC) and 8 out of 15 in three sections (SC,CR,DS) and ranked 'FAIR'. This clearly tells me that I am not even good enough at the moment but just fair enough. To be there at the top, I must put in a lot of effort in every section of the test. I am very clear about what needs to be done to be there at the top.

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