October 05, 2004

Vision, Mission and Values are not enough

What sets apart an organization from the rest? Vision, Mission and Values are definitely something that defines the organization. But, there has to be something that is much talked about when one discusses/debates over the organization. If there is an organization that is designed to produce long-term results in terms of revenues, profits, market share and what not, it is just not enough to have a single quality that differentiates them from others. They need to be identified with a bunch of qualities that are focused towards achieving the long-term objectives. This could be in the form of employee benefits, raising quality of work, focusing only on certain business areas etc.. It helps in lot of ways, undoubtedly. How good it is for an employee to feel the future? Employees take tremendous pride to share the point with the fellows working elsewhere. It also helps to build a great bond between the employer and workers. Everyone starts feeling the responsibility that is bestowed on him/her. Responsibility isn't a burden but an opportunity if one is committed! So, a worker has to get either convinced or pack the bags. It is solely the responsibility of the management to demonstrate the qualities to all the stakeholders and value their consent. Employees have to be convinced about the long term objectives and the qualities that the management has been building within the organization to achieve them. After all, the job has to be delivered by the employees!

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