December 29, 2004

40 SCs a day.. Racing against time..

It has been long time since I posted about my GMAT preparation. It is because there isn't anything to update as such, I skipped that subject fora while. My GMAT preparation came almost to a standstill last week bcoz of the work load in office. I realised that work load should not influence my preparation if targets are to be met. So, I decided to put more effort everyday, improve the pace and focus better. I purchased OG 10th edition last week and started to solve SCs. I set myself a target of solving 40 SCs a day. It takes about 100 Minutes for solving the questions, reviewing the answers with key and analysing the ETS explanation. I will slowly improve the timing in coming days and spend less time for review and analysis as I am timing well in answering. I have to solve another 20 today after this post. I will be posting more on GMAT from now as I am picking up the pace now. Really, racing against time.

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